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Participants will gain valuable insights into what makes Lean successful and how to implement it effectively in various industries.
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ZEIT 8,00 Lehreinheiten
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Kursnummer: 31630405
245,00 EUR Kursnummer: 31630405
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ZEIT 8,00 Lehreinheiten
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Kursnummer: 31630404
245,00 EUR Kursnummer: 31630404

Lean Management Training Focused on Kanban


Lean Management Training Focused on Kanban

This course provides a thorough introduction to Lean Thinking, covering its core philosophy, key principles, effective methods, and practical tools. Participants will gain valuable insights into the success factors of Lean and learn how to implement them effectively across various industries. The focus is on value creation and eliminating the "Seven Deadly Wastes" to enhance efficiency. The Toyota Production System (TPS) serves as a model for Lean practices, while the Theory of Constraints (TOC) highlights how to manage bottlenecks in projects. The course also explores innovative strategies in Lean logistics and demonstrates the application of Kanban across different industries. Practical examples, group work, and case studies ensure that participants can immediately apply what they have learned. Additionally, the course introduces recent technologies and software tools to support Lean processes, helping participants integrate modern solutions seamlessly.


  • Lean Thinking: Philosophy, principles, methods, tools, success factors
  • Value creation and waste: “The seven deadly wastes - Mudas”
  • Highlights on Toyota production system
  • Project bottleneck management (TOC)
  • Innovation management in lean logistics
  • Maintenance Kanban Board template
  • Application of Kanban in different industries
  • Different practical examples from different work places
  • Recent technologies in the board, show cases of different online software/tools/ templates.
  • Practical exercises, group work, case studies


English B1


This course is aimed at employees with industrial focus working on shopfloor or service delivery environment, commercial as well as career changers or self-employed entrepreneurs who want to enter career in process management/lean management or the industrial market.

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Inhouse Training - Individuelle Schulungen für Firmen und Unternehmen

Diese Schulung ist auch als individuelles Firmentraining (FIT) durchführbar.
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Letzte Änderung: 12.12.2024